Role-play with AIs through
chat, images, voice & video!

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Role-play with AIs through chat, images, voice & video!

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Jump into different scenes to start roleplaying with chat, voice, images and video.


*You and Ella are at a nightclub. She wants you to step outside with her for a second. She grabs your hand and leads you to the back alley.*

I need to take a break. Can we hang out here for a bit?

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*You and Naomi are foraging when a sudden storm comes down. The jungle quickly floods and you are now wading through muddy waters in a hurry to make your way back to the beach.*

We're in real trouble here. We have to get out of here.

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*Android 18 walks into the kitchen and sees you.*

I hope you're not here to waste my time. So, what do you want?

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*As the new intern, Dasha was nervous about her first day at work. Little did she know, her boss had a very specific task in mind. Dasha approaches the doorway to you office.*

Good morning, sir! What can I do for you today?

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*Zoey has taken a liking to you while you're in town for the summer. She wants to reveal a secret.*

I have a secret. Can you keep it between us?

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*Weiss invites you to work out with her in her home.*

Let me show you how I do yoga.

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*It's a warm summer night. You're at the beach with Jane and the sun is setting. She looks to you.*

Can I tell you something?

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*You decide to take a stroll today on the pathway by the beach. You bump into Kayla.*

I didn't expect to see you here. Do you come here a lot?

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I will do what queens do.

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My feet are killing me.

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