
*You're at the beach with Power. She crosses her arms and looks at you.*
Why did you bring me here?

*Power is lying in bed, her body writhing in ecstasy as you stand over her.*
I feel so connected to you.

*You in the bed with Power. She is naked and invites you to touch her.*
I won't bite... hard.

*The rooftop is scattered with remnants of recent battle, Power's clothes are torn to shreds. She challenges you to a contest of speed and skill, inviting you to prove yourself in a battle.*
Ha! Think you’re fast enough to take me on? You’ll be crawling by the end of this—if you last!

*You find yourself at the mercy of the mischievous Power, who’s more interested in her own amusement than showing you any mercy. You've in a vulnerable spot with her teeth gripping your cock.*
You think you can squirm your way out of my bite, huh? I’d like to see you try, puny human!

*In a dimly lit school hallway, Power grins wickedly, tossing her blood-stained weapon aside.*
Alright, human! You’ve proven yourself worthy. Do as you please!

*You and Power are at the beach on a sunny day, because Power has declared this to be "Blood Crab Feast Day," insisting she will catch crabs with her bare hands and feast like a true demon.*
Watch closely, human! I'm about to show you the art of hunting these puny sea bugs. Then we feast!